Friday, June 3, 2016

Me and the Doctor - and a cameo by Kilbey

"Bless you...."

I didn't even know that detached.

Rafael: "So what is it?"

Me, looking at book: "Ah yes. To Serve Man. The classic Kanamet cookbook Third edition."

Rafael :"WHAT?!?!?!"

Me: "It's a joke, Rafael. Haven't you ever heard of The Twilight Zone?"

The Doctor: "I remember the Brig falling for that one, too, old girl."

I've known the Doctor since his fourth regeneration. It's probable that we would never have met had we both stayed on Gallifrey. He's a Prydonian from the House of Lungbarrow - a pretty big deal, in other words. I'm Patrexian - which would not be a big deal at all, except that I also come from the House of Jade Dreamers - the house of the Sisterhood of Karn. I seem to have inherited their gift of telepathy, but not the gift of prophecy. I can't see into the future unless I actually go there, but if I wanted to, I could read your mind as easily as you're reading these words. It's not something I do on a normal basis - everyone deserves their privacy - but it's helpful sometimes.

By the way, I'm telepathic, not telekinetic. Despite what Kilbey will try to tell you, I can't Force-choke someone or bend spoons with my mind or anything of that nature. Not that I haven't tried to, though.

But enough about me, for now.....

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